Saturday, March 9, 2019

Money, Hours, and Teaching: Here's What You Need to Know

Hey everyone, I've compiled some of the most common questions I get asked as a VIPKid teacher. If you've been thinking about taking the plunge and jumping into online teaching, there are a few things you should know.

How much can I make?
The income potential with VIPKid is essentially unlimited. You can work as much or as little as you want. While getting bookings at first can take time, once you've taught a few classes and gotten a few 5-apple feedbacks, you'll see that your bookings quickly increase. It's important to set a financial goal for yourself and then open enough slots to meet those goals. Working a couple of hours each day can easily net you $2,000+ per month as long as you are consistent with your schedule and open enough slots. Some teachers make even more than that. I know one teacher who had a $5,000+ month, but I don't think she slept very much!

Aren't the hours terrible?
The hours are completely flexible. I'm in CST, and the hours are from 7:30pm until 9:00am. Teaching a few hours before my regular job works well for me; however, some teachers like to teach in the evenings and others teach exclusively on the weekends. You can plan your classes up to two weeks in advance or you can open short notice bookings if you prefer to have a more flexible schedule.

Is teaching online difficult?
Teaching online has a learning curve but can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you've taught at a brick and mortar school or you're new to teaching, you'll find that each class brings its own challenges. One of the coolest things about teaching online is that each student and class is different, so things don't get boring. There are many resources for improving as a teacher, including workshops offered by VIPKid and YouTube videos created by other teachers.

Ready to get started? Please use my referral link to apply for VIPKid! If you have any questions or if I can help you in any way, let me know! Get started now!

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